DEBUT SINGLE – “Learn From It”
Conner Smith signed his publishing deal to write songs for a living when he was a junior in high school, but his parents insisted that he finish out high school, so those last couple of years were pretty intense for him. “My whole senior year my schedule was go to class from 7:30 to 11:25, go write songs from 12:00 to 3:30 and then come back, play the baseball game. I didn’t go to any baseball practice. I’d just show up at the games and they let me play. And it really is a crazy, crazy blessing they let me do that because I got to balance having a high school experience.”
Conner’s school was extremely understanding of his schedule and supportive of his career ambitions. He still had to do the work to graduate, and Conner admits, “I kept my grades above float. They’re definitely nothing to brag about but at the graduation ceremony our speaker made a joke that even Conner Smith got a degree and didn’t even come to school this year. So, that was pretty cool that I was able to kind of balance all that somehow and finish out the high school experience.”
In the end, it paid off. Conner got his high school diploma, like he promised his parents he would do, and now he has a career in country music that is off to a great start with his debut single, “Learn From It.”
Conner Smith – music, baseball, hs :39
“So, when I was in high school, those final two years were definitely interesting years of, my whole senior year my schedule was go to class from 7:30 to 11:25, go write songs from 12:00 to 3:30 and then come back, play the baseball game. I didn’t go to any baseball practice. I’d just show up at the games and they let me play. And it really is a crazy, crazy blessing they let me do that because I got to balance having a high school experience. I kept my grades above float. They’re definitely nothing to brag about but at the graduation ceremony our speaker made a joke that even Conner Smith got a degree and didn’t even come to school this year. So, that was pretty cool that I was able to kind of balance all that somehow and finish out the high school experience.”