(AUDIO) The Cadillac Three Prefer Country Fuzz To Southern Rock

When people try to describe The Cadillac Three’s musical style, the term Southern Rock comes up a lot, but drummer Neil Mason says, “I think that that’s cool, but it’s kinda got that old connotation. And so for us, we wanted kind of a different spin on that.”

They tend to go with the term “country fuzz,” because they say their music is a blend of so many different influences. “We grew up listening to anything from Metallica to Tom Petty, to a lot of old country being from Nashville,” explains Neil. “And so, it’s just kinda this weird blend of all of that stuff and then we grew up in the 90’s too so it’s got a little bit of Nirvana in it and a little bit of Rage Against the Machine in it, but still with that southern kinda twang that just comes from where we’re from.”

You can hear The Cadillac Three’s version of “country fuzz” in their debut single, “The South.”


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The Cadillac Three – describe sound :36
Neil Mason – “Southern rock is somethin’ a lot of people say, and I think that that’s cool, but it’s kinda got that old connotation. And so for us, we wanted kind of a different spin on that and so I think that, you know, we grew up listening to anything from Metallica to Tom Petty, to a lot of old country being from Nashville. And so, it’s just kinda this weird blend of all of that stuff and then we grew up in the 90’s too so it’s got a little bit of Nirvana in it and a little bit of Rage Against the Machine in it, but still with that southern kinda twang that just comes from where we’re from.”

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