Thomas Rhett’s daughters are 9 ½, 7 ½, 5 and 3 ½, which means it will be several before they start dating, and as much as Thomas doesn’t want to think about it, he hopes that when the time comes, he remembers that he was once just like the young boys who will be coming to pick his daughters up for a date.
Thomas Rhett – when girls start dating :42
“Honestly, I try to block it out of my mind entirely. As much as there are days where I’m like, gosh I cannot wait for y’all to be 10, 11 or whatever, I’m really doin’ my best to kind of cherish the moments that we’re in now. Because yes, there are things that frustrate me, but at least it’s not somebody else comin’ over to the house. And so, I kinda think, I would like to say that I will be kind of a strict dad, just kinda like, ‘If you ain’t home by 10, we have some problems.’ But I was also that idiot kid who dropped somebody off five minutes late, ten minutes late, an hour late, and I knew there’d be repercussions, but it was worth it. So, I hope I have the grace, but I really hope I like the people. I think that’s gonna be very important. But just tryin’ to take it day by day, and I think if I let myself drift off too far in that future, I start to get kind of worried about it.”