(AUDIO) Tim McGraw Explains Significance of Shotgun Rider Tour Name

Tim McGraw is in the midst of his Shotgun Rider Tour, which is named after the last single he released before “Diamond Rings and Old Barstools.” Tim felt the song title was a great choice to name the tour after because he says, “Every now and then a song comes long that you do that really has an impact on people and makes sense for all the right reasons and that’s why we named the tour ‘Shotgun Rider.’”

“Shotgun Rider,” which is off of Tim’s Sundown Heaven Town album is special to him because he says, “I think the feel of the song it just makes you feel good. It certainly fits my world perfect you know because it was such a big successful song and it spent so many weeks at the top I just felt like it was the perfect (tour name).”

The Shotgun Rider Tour will run through mid-September. You can see a complete list of dates here.


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Tim McGraw – Shotgun Rider Tour name :21
“Shotgun Rider’ is a special song I think the feel of the song it just makes you feel good. It certainly fits my world perfect you know because it was such a big successful song and it spent so many weeks at the top I just felt like it was the perfect… And it fits a tour name, you know every now and then a song comes long that you do that really has an impact on people and makes sense for all the right reasons and that’s why we named the tour ‘Shotgun Rider.’”

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