Tim McGraw is known for his grueling workouts, especially when he’s on tour, where he sometimes works out two plus hours a day, every day, but he says, “When I’m on tour it’s a little heavier, because it’s sort of a group work-out. The band and I work out together so we do a little more work and I’m looking forward to not working-out though through the holidays. I’m looking forward to some sugar cookies with frosting on them.”

Tim and Faith say their daughter Gracie is an excellent baker, so chances are, there will be plenty of cookies and more for him to splurge on.  It’s looking like Tim could also get a #1 song just in time for Christmas, with his latest single, “How I’ll Always Be.”  Then it will be time to get back on the strict diet and workout routine as he prepares to launch the 2017 Soul2Soul Tour with Faith Hill in April.

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Tim McGraw – Christmas workout  :15

“I don’t know. It depends. Sometimes an hour, sometimes two. You know, when I’m on tour it’s a little heavier, because it’s sort of a group work-out. The band and I work-out together so we do a little more work and I’m looking forward to not working-out though through the holidays. I’m looking forward to some sugar cookies with frosting on them.”