For the past several years, Tim McGraw has partnered with Operation Homefront and Chase on each of his tours to present mortgage-free homes to veterans. Tim has had the honor of presenting over 150 veterans and their families with homes and he says, “Oh man, it’s my pleasure. Those guys and gals, you know, my sister is a veteran of the First Gulf War and my uncle is a Vietnam veteran. You know, they sit on the fence and protect us and allow us to live the life that we have. There’s nobody better, in my mind, than those guys and gals.”
Tim’s next tour will be the Soul2Soul 2017 World Tour with Faith Hill, which will incorporate a mix of his and her hits, including Tim’s latest single, “How I’ll Always Be,” as well as the possibility of new music from the two of them.
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Tim McGraw – Veterans Day :16
“Oh man, it’s my pleasure. Those guys and gals, you know, my sister is a veteran of the First Gulf War and my uncle is a Vietnam veteran. You know, they sit on the fence and protect us and allow us to live the life that we have. There’s nobody better, in my mind, than those guys and gals.”