Picking a favorite song on an album is often a difficult task for an artist, but Tim McGraw says when he thinks about the songs on his Damn Country Music album, “‘Humble and Kind’ just gets me every time. It’s just one of those special, special songs I think. I love what it says and I think that it’s something that needs to be heard in the whole world right now.”

“Humble and Kind” just became Tim’s 28th Country Airplay #1, and with the recent headlines, we agree, the message of the song is something the world needs to hear.


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Tim McGraw – Humble and Kind favorite :12
“It’s just hard to pick a favorite, but ‘Humble and Kind’ just gets me every time. It’s just one of those special, special songs I think. I love what it says and I think that it’s something that needs to be heard in the whole world right now.”