(AUDIO) Tim McGraw Loves Everything About Football Season

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Now that Tim McGraw is done touring for the year he has time to enjoy some football on the weekends and he says, “I’m always excited about football season; college, the NFL, high school, all of it.  I try not to miss many games if I can help it.”  On any given weekend Tim says you can usually find him lying around the house, eating a lot of food and watching football a lot.  He also enjoys talking football with his buddies, including John McBride, who is married to Martina McBride.  “He and I are good friends,” says Tim.  “We talk about football all the time on the weekend.  There’s not one single thing that I’m not excited about, about football season.”


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Tim McGraw – love everything about football  :21
“I’m always excited about football season; college, the NFL, high school, all of it.  I try not to miss many games if I can help it.  Saturday and Sundays are laying around the house, eating a lot of food and watching football a lot.  There’s not one single thing that I’m not excited about like football season.  One good thing is I talk to John McBride all the time.  He and I are good friends.  We talk about football all the time on the weekend.”

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