When Billy Bob Thornton recently joined the cast of Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s new Paramount+ series, 1883, it was a reunion for Tim and Billy Bob who worked together on the 2004 movie, Friday Night Lights. On his appearance on 1883 as Jim Courtright, the Marshal of Fort Worth, Tim says, “Billy Bob was so fantastic. I’m a big fan of his. When he showed up and set it was great to see him again, and we’ve been friends and kept in touch and hung out together a lot since we did Friday Night Lights.
Tim also credits Billy Bob with giving him some of the best acting advice he’s ever received. He says, “He taught me a lot during Friday Night Lights. He was like the angel on my shoulder. The best advice he ever gave me is, if you think you’re not doing enough, you’re probably still doing too much. And I’ve taken that to heart.”
You can see new episodes of 1883, starring Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, every Sunday on Paramount+.
Tim McGraw – Billy Bob advice :19
“Billy Bob was so fantastic. I’m a big fan of his. When he showed up and set it was great to see him again, and we’ve been friends and kept in touch and hung out together a lot since we did Friday Night Lights. He taught me a lot during Friday Night Lights. He was like the angel on my shoulder. The best advice he ever gave me is, if you think you’re not doing enough, you’re probably still doing too much. And I’ve taken that to heart.”