When it comes to living in America, Tim McGraw can think of a lot of things that make it a great place to live. “Country music … baseball … trucks,” he rattles off, just to name a few. Reflecting a bit more about this great nation of ours, Tim says, “Look… from where I came from, the small town that I grew up in, in a lot of ways, sort of the situation that I grew up in, I don’t think there’s any other country in the world that I could have had the success that I’ve had and come from where I come from.”
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Tim McGraw – 4th of July :16
“Country music … baseball … trucks. Look, I came … from where I came from, the small town that I grew up in, in a lot of ways, sort of the situation that I grew up in, I don’t think there’s any other country in the world that I could have had the success that I’ve had and come from where I come from.”