This is the time of year when kids are heading back to school, going off to college and moving out of mom and dad’s house, and one guy who can relate to the emotions of having a kid move out is Tim McGraw.  His oldest daughter Gracie moved out of the family home and Tim says, “It’s beautiful and it’s sad all at one time.  You know, you can’t wait for them to sort of see what they make of themselves and do with themselves when they get out from under your umbrella, but you’re also nervous and sad because you’re gonna miss ‘em.  And it was challenging for sure, but you know, we have a lot of confidence in her.  I’m a huge fan of hers, not only as an artist, but also as a person.  She’s just a great, great kid and brings such a light and energy to what she does.”


Fortunately, Tim and his daughter Gracie are very close.  In fact, she sings the song “Here Tonight” with him on his Damn Country Music album, which also features his latest single, “How I’ll Always Be.”

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Tim McGraw – kids leaving for school  :26

“It’s beautiful and it’s sad all at one time.  You know, you can’t wait for them to sort of see what they make of themselves and do with themselves when they get out from under your umbrella, but you’re also nervous and sad because you’re gonna miss ‘em.  And it was challenging for sure, but you know, we have a lot of confidence in her.  I’m a huge fan of hers, not only as an artist, but also as a person.  She’s just a great, great kid and brings such a light and energy to what she does.”