Trent Harmon has been incredibly busy since his time on American Idol, but he still remembers a lot of the fun he had while filming the show, including some of the cool field trips they got to take. Trent says, “One of the things I miss the most about American Idol was the places that we got to go. One time we got the really special treat of getting to go to the Facebook headquarters. Man, this place was crazy, they had flowers growing out of the walls, there were crazy things all over the ceiling. That was just really neat.”
Chances are, as he’s out promoting “There’s A Girl,” his debut single, all across the country, he’ll have a chance to visit some more really cool places during his travels.
Trent Harmon – miss going places on Idol :18
“One of the things I miss the most about American Idol was the places that we got to go. One time we got the really special treat of getting to go to the Facebook headquarters. Man, this place was crazy, they had flowers growing out of the walls, there were crazy things all over the ceiling. That was just really neat.”
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