Before Trent Harmon’s music career took off, he was a waiter at his family’s restaurant back in Mississippi.  While he was decent at his job, he does recall one incident that nearly gave him a heart attack.  Trent says, “The worst thing that happened to me while waiting tables at my family restaurant was, as I was walking to a table I had a tray of drinks with about 10 or 12 glasses on it and I actually spilled it on a baby y’all, on a baby. I panicked, I just froze and the baby absolutely loved it, started laughing and the family started laughing once the baby did, of course. But I was pretty relieved to say the least.”

Fortunately, Trent’s song, “There’s A Girl,” is in the top 30 on the charts and continuing to climb, so it doesn’t look like he’ll have to go back to waiting tables anytime soon.

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Trent Harmon – spilled drinks on a baby  :26

“The worst thing that happened to me while waiting tables at my family restaurant was, as I was walking to a table I had a tray of drinks with about 10 or 12 glasses on it and I actually spilled it on a baby y’all, on a baby. I panicked, I just froze and the baby absolutely loved it, started laughing and the family started laughing once the baby did, of course. But I was pretty relieved to say the least.”