Trent Harmon is a self-proclaimed mama’s boy and he’s proud of it.  He says, “I love my mom. Most people know I try to call home every night and talk to my folks, but especially my mom, I check in with her, she makes sure that I’m eating and she’s one of my biggest champions.”

Not only does Trent’s mom support him with her love, she also tries to help him keep up with his fan mail, although it’s getting to be a huge job, with his latest song, “You Got ‘Em All” climbing the charts.  “She checks my PO Box at least once or twice a week,” says Trent, “and will tell me who’s been writing and who I should check in with on socials.  So it’s like she runs a lot of that side. And she told me the other day, she said, ‘You know, I may need some help. It’s starting to be a lot.’  But that’s great.”

While most of us will call our moms on Mother’s Day, Trent thinks you should always make calling your mom a priority.  He says, “I think it’s really simple. Just call, don’t text. You know if you’ve got a text, text, but try not to go more than three days without calling home.  Just call. It’s really simple to stay connected.”

Trent Harmon – Mother’s Day 2  :46

“I love my mom. Most people know I try to call home every night and talk to my folks, but especially my mom, I check in with her, she makes sure that I’m eating and she’s one of my biggest champions as far as like keeping up with my fan-mail. She still keeps up with it. She checks my PO Box at least once or twice a week and will tell me who’s been writing and who I should check in with on socials.  So it’s like she runs a lot of that side. And she told me the other day, she said, ‘You know, I may need some help. It’s starting to be a lot.’  But that’s great.  But I love my mom.  We’re really close. We talk a lot and I think it’s really simple. Just call, don’t text. You know if you’ve got a text, text, but try not to go more than three days without calling home.  Just call. It’s really simple to stay connected.”