Trent Harmon has his own unique style that includes a lot of hats and some interesting necklaces and pieces of jewelry. Trent confessed, “Most of the jewelry, if you will, or necklaces or whatever, don’t tell anybody, but I get most of ‘em from either my little sister or just friends. Most of them happen to be girls’, but if you think about it, those are gonna be the most unique ‘cause other guys aren’t gonna have ‘em.”
Perhaps Trent will pick up some more unique jewelry while he’s out on the road introducing fans and radio to his latest single, “There’s A Girl.”
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Trent Harmon – where get jewelry :18
“Most of the jewelry, if you will, or necklaces or whatever, don’t tell anybody, but I get most of ‘em from either my little sister or just friends. Most of them happen to be girls, but if you think about it, those are gonna be the most unique ‘cause other guys aren’t gonna have ‘em.”