When Trent Harmon was on American Idol, the show set up a yoga session for the contestants, but Trent quickly learned that his body was not built for yoga. He says, “I’m not sure if you know me very well, but your boy doesn’t do yoga. It was quite the experience just to say the least. It took about two minutes before I realized that it just wasn’t for me.”
These days, Trent finds other ways to get his workouts in while he’s on the road promoting his latest single, “There’s A Girl,” which will be on his debut album coming out in 2017.
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Trent Harmon – doing yoga on Idol :19
“One of the funniest things that happened to me while I was at American Idol, it was one week whenever we got the unique opportunity to do yoga. I’m not sure if you know me very well, but your boy doesn’t do yoga. It was quite the experience just to say the least. It took about two minutes before I realized that it just wasn’t for me.”