Ever since Trent Harmon rose to fame on American Idol, he has noticed he has a few more cousins and distant relatives, or at least people who claim to be related to him, and he doesn’t mind.  “Lots of cousins, a lot of uncles,” says Trent, “But I look at that as that’s a fan. That’s a supporter. I try not to shun any opportunity to make somebody feel like they haven’t wasted their time liking a picture on Facebook or re-sharing a song that I’ve put up. If they want to be my cousin, they can be my cousin.”

Hopefully all of Trent’s new cousins are spreading the word about his latest single, “There’s A Girl,” which has broken into the top 40 and is continuing its climb up the charts.

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Trent Harmon – new cousins RC  :18

“Lots of cousins, a lot of uncles. But I look at that as that’s a fan. That’s a supporter. I try not to shun any opportunity to make somebody feel like they haven’t wasted their time liking a picture on Facebook or re-sharing a song that I’ve put up. If they want to be my cousin, they can be my cousin.”