Trent Harmon has a fantastic ability to sing harmonies in songs, and apparently it’s something he’s always had a natural gift for, but until his mom discovered it, he didn’t know what it was.  Trent explains, “She would, to teach it to me, she would say, ‘Hey Trent, sing this part of ‘Amazing Grace.’ So I sang the melody and she would say, ‘Could you sing this part?’ and she would sing the first note and I would carry out that and that was the harmony. And she said, ‘Well, can you sing this harmony?’ and I would sing this. She just kept picking different parts. I guess her brain was exploding. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

These days Trent is knocking people out with his singing ability in general on songs like Sia’s “Chandelier,” and his own song, “There’s A Girl.”

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Trent Harmon – learning harmony  :16

“She would, to teach it to me, she would say, ‘Hey Trent, sing this part of ‘Amazing Grace.’ So I sang the melody and she would say, “Could you sing this part?” and she would sing the first note and I would carry out that and that was the harmony. And she said, “Well, can you sing this harmony?” and I would sing this. She just kept picking different parts. I guess her brain was exploding. I didn’t know what I was doing.”