Brett Young is a tall, good looking, guy’s guy, but he admits he is a hopeless romantic who enjoys a good romantic comedy or even a straight up romantic chick flick.  He says, “I’m a fan of both, actually.  Romantic comedies are great, and I do like them, but, you know, movies like, I can’t believe I’m gonna go here, but like Nicholas Sparks, you know, ‘The Notebook’ and things like that.  I really like those.  I feel like those stories are the types of songs that I write, and so I gravitate towards those a little more.”


You can definitely hear Brett’s romantic side in his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” which is currently in the top 25 on the charts and still climbing.

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Brett Young – romantic movies  :20

“As a hopeless romantic, I’m a fan of both, actually.  Romantic comedies are great, and I do like them, but, you know, movies like, I can’t believe I’m gonna go here, but like Nicholas Sparks, you know, ‘The Notebook’ and things like that.  I really like those.  I feel like those stories are the types of songs that I write, and so I gravitate towards those a little more.”