Growing up, Brett Young says he and his family always “knew” he was going to play baseball as a career.  While it was definitely the path he was headed down, he suffered an injury that sidetracked his baseball ambitions, and Brett says, “Had it not been for an injury, that was definitely the road I was going down.  But, music was always a part of my life.  I grew up in the church and I led worship, and when I hurt myself in baseball, it seemed like the obvious decision to pick the guitar back up.  It had always been a huge outlet for me and I was finally at an age where I had things to say and I had had some life experience and I was ready to write songs, and I haven’t looked back once.”


Considering his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” is in the top 25 and continuing to climb, there’s no reason for Brett to look back at this point.  You can find “Sleep Without You” on Brett’s latest EP, which is available now.

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Brett Young – knew gonna play baseball  :32

“Growing up, we always ‘knew’, and I put ‘knew’ in quotes because we ended up being wrong, but we always ‘knew’ that I was gonna be a baseball player.  Had it not been for an injury, that was definitely the road I was going down.  But, music was always a part of my life.  I grew up in the church and I led worship, and when I hurt myself in baseball, it seemed like the obvious decision to pick the guitar back up.  It had always been a huge outlet for me and I was finally at an age where I had things to say and I had had some life experience and I was ready to write songs, and I haven’t looked back once.”