Florida Georgia Line’s latest single features Tim McGraw, and to have him on the song means everything to Brian and Tyler.  Brian says, “His voice on that song brings that country music, man. When he comes in on that second verse, everyone starts giggling. I mean it gives me goose bumps and it’s really, really crazy, because we grew up on Tim. I feel like he’s just now getting started too at the same time, you know. So he brings kinda that stamp of approval. It’s a good feeling. It’s humbling… it’s really cool to have our childhood hero on it. It’s unbelievable.”


“May We All” is the follow-up to FGL’s latest #1 hit, “H.O.L.Y.,” which are both featured on their latest album, Dig Your Roots.

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Florida Georgia Line – Tim on May We All  :27

Brian Kelley – “His voice on that song brings that country music, man. When he comes in on that second verse, everyone starts giggling. I mean it gives me goose bumps and it’s really, really crazy, because we grew up on Tim. I feel like he’s just now getting started too at the same time, you know. So he brings kinda that stamp of approval. It’s a good feeling. It’s humbling. Country radio, it seems like they’re digging it. It’s a big ol’ anthem and it’s really cool to have our childhood hero on it. It’s unbelievable.”