Florida Georgia Line is less than a month away from releasing their brand new album, Dig Your Roots, featuring their #1 song “H.O.L.Y.” and their current single, “May We All,” which they perform with Tim McGraw, but Brian and Tyler also still enjoy writing songs for other people to cut.  Most recently, they wrote “Lights Come On,” which they got to Jason Aldean just in time for him to put it on his new album, which will be out in September.  They also co-wrote “Burnin’ It Down” for Jason, and Brian explains why they love Jason as an artist.  He says, “I think it’s the two T’s—it’s the twang and the tone, man.  Really, I mean, it’s the way he has the ability to knock out the cadences, you know.  And then the emotion too, you feel it, you feel: he’s not just singin’ a demo down just to have the parts, you know.  He’s literally living that out and experiencing that.  He’s a true artist.”


Tyler Hubbard agrees and says, “Jason can sing.  I know that sounds, like you said, a lot of people hear his voice and he might not be doing all these crazy runs and stuff, but as a singer and an artist, man, he can sing.  And he nails it and it does look effortless and he does it the right way.”


Tyler feels like Jason has really found a unique sound in country music, which is why they love writing songs and having Jason record them if they don’t end up on an FGL album.  Dig Your Roots will be released on August 26th.

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Florida Georgia Line – why Aldean great artist  :53

Brian Kelley – “I think it’s the two T’s—it’s the twang and the tone, man.  Really, I mean, it’s the way he has the ability to knock out the cadences, you know.  And then the emotion too, you feel it, you feel: he’s not just singin’ a demo down just to have the parts, you know.  He’s literally living that out and experiencing that.  He’s a true artist.

Tyler Hubbard – “You can tell, as an artist too that sings and gets trained by Joey all the time in the studio, Jason can sing.  I know that sounds, like you said, a lot of people hear his voice and he might not be doing all these crazy runs and stuff, but as a singer and an artist, man, he can sing.  And he nails it and it does look effortless and he does it the right way.  And you nailed it as well with having the unique tone and sound, I mean, that’s something that sells, and people don’t realize that, but if you have the same voice as four other people, they got four other options.  So, for him, and I think it’s just a natural thing that he’s developed and it’s just a cool sound that nobody else has, and something he can really use.”